Open Hours:  Tues, Fri - 10 am to 6 pm       Wed, Thurs - 12 pm to 8 pm        Sat - 10 am to 4 pm         5544 Calgary Trail, Edmonton T6H 4K1

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a common auditory symptom where individuals experience ringing, buzzing, hissing, or other sounds that are not caused by an external source. It is not a disease itself, but rather a symptom of underlying issues, often related to auditory disturbances or damage.

The Biological Causes of Tinnitus

Inner Ear Hair Cell Damage

The most widely recognized cause of tinnitus stems from changes in the inner ear or the auditory pathways. Inside the inner ear, tiny hair cells move in response to sound waves, converting these motions into electrical signals sent to the brain through the auditory nerve. Your brain interprets these signals as sound.

When these hair cells become damaged—either bent or broken—they may begin to “misfire,” sending continuous or intermittent electrical impulses to your brain, which it mistakenly interprets as noise, resulting in tinnitus.

Onset Related to Hearing Loss

Many individuals notice the onset of tinnitus at critical points in their auditory health, such as just before or shortly after the beginning of hearing loss. This timing underscores the connection between hearing abilities and the occurrence of tinnitus, suggesting that auditory disruptions play a significant role.

Symptoms and Duration of Tinnitus

Tinnitus can vary in its presentation:

  • Duration: It may last for a short period or persist throughout half or even the whole day.
  • Perception: The noise may be heard in one ear, both ears, or it may feel like it is occurring inside the head or externally.
  • Sound Variety: The specific noises heard can range from a low hum to a high-pitched ring.

Impact of Tinnitus on Daily Life

Tinnitus can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life, depending on its intensity and persistence:

  • Concentration Difficulties: Persistent noise can distract and make it hard to focus on tasks.
  • Sleep Disruptions: Noise during quiet periods, especially at night, can interfere with the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.
  • Emotional Effects: Ongoing tinnitus can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression, especially in severe cases.

Degrees of Tinnitus

The severity of tinnitus can vary widely among those affected:

  • Minimal Impact: Some individuals experience tinnitus with negligible effects on daily activities.
  • Significant Disability: In extreme cases, the symptoms can be almost incapacitating, hindering one’s ability to perform routine tasks or engage in social activities.


Causes of most high pitched tinnitus

  • Exposure to loud sound
  • age-related hearing loss,
  • earwax buildup (excessive)
  • changes within your ear bones.
  • a severe head or neck injury
  • sinus pressure,
  • a serious brain injury.

Methods to change our reactions to tinnitus

  • Sound-based approaches (Tinnitus Masking and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy with hearing aids treatments)
  • Education
  • Counseling/Psychotherapy (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy)
  • Hearing Aids
    • reduces the contrast between tinnitus and quiet environments
    •  allows you to hear soothing sounds. Most tinnitus sound therapy that people find relaxing has a high-pitched sound quality
    • shifts attention away from tinnitus5

Causes of most low-pitch tinnitus

  • cardiovascular disease,
  • allergies,
  • anemia
  • some jaw disorders (where lower jawbone meets the scalp)
  • diet,
  • stress
  • certain medications
  • acoustic nerve neuroma

Appointments Available Daily

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5544 Calgary Trail
Edmonton, AB
T6H 4K1               

7 min walk from bus: 701, 507, 6

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