Open Hours:  Tues, Fri - 10 am to 6 pm       Wed, Thurs - 12 pm to 8 pm        Sat - 10 am to 4 pm         5544 Calgary Trail, Edmonton T6H 4K1

How Long is the Treament?

How Long is the Treatment?

Understanding the Timeline

Adapting to hearing aids is a gradual process that requires time and patience. It typically takes a minimum of 120 days to notice significant improvements. This period allows users to fully perceive a broad spectrum of sounds, especially high-pitched consonants such as SH, TH, S, and F, which are crucial for clear speech comprehension.

Personalized Hearing Loss Solutions

Since every individual’s hearing loss is unique, we provide tailored support that includes:

  • Brain Training for Artificial Sounds: A comprehensive guide to help your brain adapt to the new sounds produced by hearing aids.
  • Confidence Building: Strategies to boost your confidence, enabling you to live your life to the fullest with your new hearing aids.
  • Skill Development for Daily Activities: Tips and training to use your hearing aids effectively in daily activities, ensuring comfort and preventing complications.
  • Acoustic Knowledge: Education about room acoustics and how various environments can affect sound quality.
  • Communication Strategies: Guidance on positioning and techniques to facilitate lip reading, enhancing your ability to communicate in different settings.

Commitment to Your Hearing Health

Learning to use hearing aids effectively involves not only understanding how they work but also integrating them into your work and leisure activities. Our dedicated approach ensures that you gain not only the tools but also the knowledge to make the most of your hearing aids in any situation.

    Here is a blueprint of the treatments you may undergo.

    1st appointment (90 min)

    • Taking a case history
    • Physical inspection of the ears
    • Immittance test
    • Pure tone testing
    • Speech testing in quiet
    • Speech testing in noise
    • The most comfortable listening test
    • Loudness level test
    • Explaining test results to understand the type and degree of hearing loss as well as how to manage it
    • Choosing treatment and hearing aid recommendations
    • Taking earmold impression
    • Counseling

    2nd appointment – beginning of a mandatory trial period (45 min)

    A properly programmed hearing aid will be delivered to you at this appointment

    Part 1. Fitting

    • Instructions on insertion and removal of hearing aids.
    • Demonstration of how to operate hearing aids for their best performance.
    • Ensure compatibility of your aid with your cell phone and cordless phones and enable the T-switch.
    • Instruction on using a phone and apps.
    • Guidance on caring for and maintaining your hearing device in the best condition.
    • Counseling on wearing schedule, expectations, etc.
    • Providing self-help literature.

    Part 2. Validation

    • Perform a Real-Ear Measurement (REM) test to confirm the appropriate amount of gain provided by hearing aids for soft, comfortable, and loud sounds.
    • Verify that hearing aids optimize speech understanding and speech quality.

    3rd appointment (30 min)

    • Discuss your experiences with wearing the hearing aids.
    • Move to the next level of adaptation (software).
    • Make adjustments if needed based on your feedback.
    • Ensure you remember how to operate the hearing aids for the best performance

    4th appointment – the end of the mandatory trial period (30 min)

    • Discuss your experience with wearing the hearing aids and make adjustments if needed.
    • Move to the next level of adaptation (software) based on your progress.
    • Provide counseling on using assistive listening devices for TV, talking in a car, and for hands-free access to your cell phone, etc.
    • Document hearing improvement using subjective tests.

    5th appointment (in 3 months) (30 min)

    • Discuss your experiences & adjustments if needed

    6th appointment (6 months) if needed (30 min)

    • Discuss your experience & adjustments if needed

    7th appointment (12 months) (60 min)

    • Annual check-up.  Electro-acoustic hearing aid test
    • Hearing evaluation. Adjustments if needed

    Appointments Available Daily

    Come see us!

    Contact us

    Call OR TEXT Us

    (780) 554-4338

    Email Us

    Our Location

    5544 Calgary Trail
    Edmonton, AB
    T6H 4K1               

    7 min walk from bus: 701, 507, 6

    Get in touch