Open Hours: Tues, Fri - 10 am to 6 pm Wed, Thurs - 12 pm to 8 pm Sat - 10 am to 4 pm 5544 Calgary Trail, Edmonton T6H 4K1
How Hearing Aids Help
How Hearing Aids Can Help
Being able to hear is crucial for feeling connected to the world around us. It enables us to understand our environment and be aware of any potential dangers. Each environment has its own unique soundscape, and these sounds tell a story.
Throughout history, humans have maintained a close relationship with their surroundings. We rely on essentials like food, water, and oxygen, and our ability to react quickly to changes in the environment is vital for survival.
Our hearing systems play a crucial role in monitoring our surroundings. They pick up background noises such as rainfall, traffic, and the sounds of people in adjacent rooms. Additionally, our ears monitor internal body activities like breathing, heartbeat, and laughter.
Every location has its distinctive sounds, and each contributes to our sense of being alive and connected to the living world. Whether it’s the bustling ambiance of a Tim Hortons or the distinct hum of an airport, these sounds anchor us in our environment and remind us of our place within it.
Improved Family Relationships
With hearing aids, you can bid farewell to disrespectful, ungrateful, unreliable, or toxic relationships with family members. Instead, you’ll embark on a journey toward rediscovering the joys of family time. Whether it’s sharing dinner, watching a movie together, going out for activities, or engaging in heartfelt conversations, these moments serve as the glue that strengthens familial bonds.
Wearing hearing aids instills a sense of confidence and empowerment within oneself. They serve not only as amplifiers but also as silent advocates, sparing individuals from the need to repeatedly explain their hearing difficulties to strangers. Just as a yield sign prompts cautious navigation on the road, hearing aids discreetly signal that any hearing challenges stem from a physical condition, not an intellectual deficiency.
Reducing Tinnitus
Hearing aids serve as masking devices, generating low-level noise or sounds that can reduce the perception of tinnitus and diminish the contrast between tinnitus and quiet environments. This shift in focus away from tinnitus can provide relief and improve overall comfort for individuals experiencing continuous, steady, and high-pitched tinnitus, often associated with hearing loss.
Career Success
With hearing aids, individuals can confidently navigate various aspects of their professional lives. They can effectively answer interview questions, pursue promotions, and seamlessly integrate into the workplace environment.
In face-to-face interactions, whether one-on-one or in group settings, hearing aid users can communicate with clarity and ease. Even during telephone conversations, hearing aids ensure clear communication, facilitating effective communication in diverse workplace scenarios.
In situations where interviews or meetings occur in noisy environments, such as offices with loud air conditioning systems, hearing aid users can employ assistive listening systems like FM systems or Remote Mics. By strategically placing microphones, such as the EduMic in the center of a table or passing a Remote Mic between speakers, individuals can ensure optimal communication during important discussions and interviews.
Overall, hearing aids empower individuals to excel in their careers by enabling effective communication and participation in various professional settings. With the right tools and strategies, individuals can confidently navigate workplace challenges and achieve their career goals.
Brain Stimulation
Our brains require constant stimulation to effectively process and filter information, distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant sounds.This includes the ability to separate speech from noise, discern one voice from another, and recognize unusual environmental sounds, such as those encountered while driving or during sleep.
This crucial filtering function relies on the full functionality of our ears.Any delay in addressing hearing loss can diminish the effectiveness of hearing aids.
When the brain is deprived of sufficient auditory stimulation over an extended period, it begins to lose its capacity to remember and process sounds efficiently.
By seeking treatment early, individuals can maximize the effectiveness of hearing aids and preserve their brain’s ability to process sounds effectively, avoiding the regret of missed opportunities and the challenges that come with delayed intervention.
Listening fatigue
The speech that reaches our ears is a complex mixture of sound waves. The auditory system separates these complex sounds into their frequencies or pitches. Our brain continuously works to recognize and organize these different frequencies, deriving meaning from them. However, hearing loss disrupts this process, as the auditory system struggles to translate frequencies accurately, leading the brain to exert more effort in processing incoming information. This struggle to hear can result in listening fatigue.Hearing aids play a significant role in improving word recognition and reaction times to questions, thereby reducing listening fatigue.
Safe relationship/marriage
Do you remember a time when your partner couldn’t understand you, and you had to raise your voice to be heard? Unfortunately, this often leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Your partner may feel offended by your raised voice, interpreting it as aggression or dominance. Despite your intentions to communicate clearly, yelling can create long-term issues such as anxiety, low self-esteem, and increased aggression, ultimately leading to more conflicts in the relationship.
Using a calm voice is crucial for fostering love and acceptance in relationships. It demonstrates respect and acknowledges each other’s feelings. With hearing aids, communication becomes smoother and more natural, helping to avoid misunderstandings and maintain a healthy, respectful dialogue in the relationship.
Enjoying music again
With hearing aids, individuals can once again relish the experience of listening to various types of music. They rediscover the richness of sound that reflects reality more accurately. Music no longer sounds flat or distorted; melodies are clearer, and lyrics make sense.
Many find joy in hearing music playing on the radio and delight in singing along once more. The ability to enjoy music is a precious gift that can significantly enhance one’s quality of life. With hearing aids, those with hearing difficulties can derive as much enjoyment from music as anyone else.
Moreover, listening to music has been associated with numerous health benefits, including memory restoration, pain management, and reducing stress and depression levels. Thus, the ability to appreciate music not only brings pleasure but also contributes to overall well-being.
New relationship
Opting for hearing aids provides individuals with hearing loss a better opportunity to cultivate new relationships. They are keen not to miss out on greetings or responses to questions, as they strive to avoid appearing rude or antisocial. Moreover, they choose not to conceal their hearing aids, as this allows others to understand the reason behind any misunderstandings rather than assuming cognitive issues.
Hearing aids serve not only as amplifiers but also as reminders of impairment. Much like a yield sign on a road advises caution, hearing aids signify to strangers that any difficulty in hearing stems from a physical, not intellectual, limitation. This transparency fosters understanding and empathy, facilitating smoother interactions and fostering the building of new connections.
The Science Behind Hearing Aids
All hearing aids have the same basic technologies, similar to how all vehicles have tires, batteries, and brakes. However, regardless of the technology level or brand, the following features significantly differ:
- Signal classification systems
- Multiple channels of compression
- Complex noise reduction algorithms
- Automated directional microphone technology
- Types of wireless capabilities
Hearing aids alter the sounds that enter the damaged auditory system. Practitioners find the best combination of signal processing to manipulate these sounds for the best use of the remaining capabilities of the client’s auditory system. Modern hearing aids no longer simply make sounds louder or more audible. They represent the real-world dynamic acoustic landscape and reduce steady-state noise like refrigerators and computer fan noise, reducing listening effort.
Hearing aids help you hear better by:
- Making sounds louder (amplification of sounds). Environmental sounds can be perceived as soft, comfortable, and loud. Different fitting methods increase soft, comfortable, or loud sounds for individuals with hearing loss. Amplifying soft sounds a lot and loud sounds a little.
- Making speech louder than background noise (Increasing speech-in-noise Ratio), partially separating speech from noise. Hearing aids identify the type of noise and reduce the amplification of that frequency, leading to reduced listening effort.
- Using directional microphone systems to focus on the direction of sound pickup forward to the interest. Loudest sounds are heard from the direction you are looking at, while sounds next to and behind you are suppressed.
- Analyzing sound and determining if it consists of unwanted noise. Speech sounds fluctuate in loudness, allowing hearing aids to differentiate between speech and noise.
Most consonants have:
- A noise quality
- A period of silence
- Involvement of the nasal cavity
Sound Classification:
- Acoustic signals are divided into three categories: speech, music, and noise. Hearing aids can change their mode of operation to process signals from different categories differently.
- For speech, hearing aids promote mild and low frequencies. Low-frequency signals are strong components of music, and hearing aids can generate full sound. For noise, hearing aids constantly modify signals to increase and decrease pulsed sounds of noise.
Additional benefits of hearing aids include:
- Reducing tinnitus
- Reducing listening fatigue
- Dramatically improving hearing in wind noise
- Improving phone use, allowing you to hear landline calls in both ears
- Assisting with Single-Sided Deafness
- Enabling hands-free mobile phone usage, access to remote microphones, and better television enjoyment
Hearing aids communicate with one another, improving sound localization and enabling the user to control both devices with a single touch or remote control.
Bluetooth streaming to the hearing aids from almost any sound source provides a realistic dynamic acoustic landscape.
Manufacturer combines and implements these technologies and features in its own unique ways.2
Appointments Available Daily
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Our Location
5544 Calgary Trail
Edmonton, AB
T6H 4K1
7 min walk from bus: 701, 507, 6