Electro-acoustic Test of Hearing Aids

Electro-acoustic test of hearing aids

ust as your mechanic uses specialized equipment to read diagnostic trouble codes and identify car issues, we utilize equipment to assess the electronic performance of your hearing aids. This helps us pinpoint any malfunctions or areas that require fixing in your hearing aids.

Do you suspect that some features in your hearing aids stop working?

We’ll conduct tests on your hearing aids and then discuss the optimal solutions. In certain instances, we can resolve the issue right here in the clinic, eliminating the need to send your hearing aid away for repair, which could take up to two weeks.

You won’t drive a “fresh out the oven” car from the manufacturer because you want to be sure all breaks work.

We also conduct an electro-acoustic test on new hearing aids before fitting them for our clients. We ensure that all features of the hearing aids function at 100%.

  • Using our advanced technology equipment, we can verify various aspects of hearing aid functionality, including directional mic, noise reduction, output limitation, and telecoil.

    Did you buy your hearing aids from another vendor? Are your hearing aids out of warranty but you want to make sure they work properly?

    We will do this test for you too.

    Appointments Available Daily

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    5678 Extra Rd. #123
    San Francisco, CA 96120

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